My dog is fat.
I learned this on Saturday when I took him to the vet for his yearly check up. I take him to a vet on Long Island, mostly because it's cheaper than taking in the city, but also because this particular vet and her staff were particularly caring with Aristotle and have been great with the world's oldest dog, Mookie (who incidentally will be turning 19 in two days). Up until this point, I've felt just fine bringing Milo to her, and truth is I probably will still bring him to her. But she shamed me. And made me cry.
The last time Milo went in for his shots was in August, and he weighed 50 lbs. The vet informed me that this was a good weight for him, and all was well. I had noticed a little bit of a tummy on him (and on me, for that matter) but I chalked it up to winter time inactivity. Well, when Milo got on the scale on Saturday, he weighed a whopping 58 lbs. 8 lbs on me might cause some general pant-buttoning discomfort. On a dog, it's a lot.
We started talking about his eating habits-he's been really picky lately so I've been overcompensating by giving him a spoonful of wet food with his dry. She told me I should probably stop that, and just let him eat what's there. Then we talked about how the boo-boo he's had on his foot for a couple of month is due to his boredom. So the vet looked at me and said "What do you do for a living?" I told her, but then said that hopefully my employment situation would be changing by June. She then asked me if I had a dog walker. I told her that no, I didn't because I can't afford one. She looked at me like I'd just told her that I regularly set Milo on fire. I believe she actually said "really?" as if I was making this up. As if I'm hoarding money and I purposely have driven my dog to obesity and fits of boredom.
So...it looks like lighter food and more exercise for Dr. Milo M. Pup. Actually...looks like lighter food and more exercise for me as well. The truth is that I don't really move around as much during the cold weather. And I know once it warms up, we'll be out and about as usual. I'm basically just trying to get the vet's voice out of my head and assure myself that this dog is loved (good God is he ever) and is taken care of, and hopefully next time we go visit he'll be a trim 50 lbs once again.
your dog is not fat.
he's just big boned.
<3 w
ps. i had a dream last night that i took a shower at your house. and there were no walls. true story.
Holy moly, Milo's 19? Can I just say for the millionth time...I feel old. I remember when you just got him and you were just trying to keep him from peeing on the floor. Anyway, I am sure you're taking great care of him...he's obviously gotten this far! I wouldn't stress too much.
Wendy, stop bathing at my wall-less shower. You're distracting the neighbors.
That's right Kristen...you knew Moo (not Milo, but they're both M's so it's understandable) when we first got him. Remember he was a little tiny thing? Now he mostly just sleeps (and poops) on my mother's floor or couch, but yeah, he's still hanging in there.
You see? Definitely am getting old. Memory loss, senility. Hit the big 3-0 and it's all downhill. WHERE'S MY SOUP?? OK, so I knew one of said dogs. But I'm sure you're still a good dogparent.
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