Speaking of Jackasses (and not the hilarious variety)....
Last night I went out to see the band Tandy play at Lakeside Lounge over in Alphabet City. I was mostly going to see my darling Abe, who along with the lovely Nicole has abandonded the rest of the Small Wigs and moved out to LA. I got there early to have drinks with my Lovah Matt. (Side note. Everytime I see my BMG friends I have the best time. I've known these people for maybe seven years and all of them have been some of the most consistent and loyal friends. I love them like crazy). I stayed for a few songs-Tandy is excellent, and I highly recommend checking out their stuff. As I was walking out I caught sight of a familiar face. It took me a second to realize it was Brian. I haven't seen him since I moved out. Watching him recognize me was truly a fascinating thing. Several emotions crossed his face-first recognition, then anger, then a slight hint of sadness and finally something that resembled terror, as if I was actually going to confront him. I did no such thing. I walked right past, leaving him to wonder. And I got this weird rush from ignoring him too. He doesn't even deserve me fighting with him.
And with that, back to watching Johnny Knoxville Nair one of the other Jackass guys' head.
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